For those who work in augmented reality and marketing, repeating or extending a campaign has two meanings: first, the joy and challenge that the previous campaign was a success. Secondly, best is yet to come if more resources are assigned to the same formula which was a forward looking experiment that is worth consolidating.
In this way, for the second year in a row Milka relaunched its augmented reality App in which most of the firm products can be scanned. At first, this App only showed certain products. In the second edition almost 100% of the products were reached.
Milka App (iOS and Android) is part of a worldwide trend: it turned packaging role, which was strictly functional, into an interactive one in which it turns into a new communication channel as well as content exchange and experiences as any other channel. The aim is to reach an audience more familiar with latest technology (particularly smartphones) who are eager to live new and innovating experiences.
“Buscadores de Ternura” campaign made users to look for Milka objects hidden in the City using their phones. The CamOnApp augmented reality platform was the one behind the technology solutions so as users may discover where the objects were in a Pokemon Go style. Moreover, users may earn many prizes (chocolates, bicycles, trainers, subscriptions, tablets, etc.)
Part of the Milka experience is that users play, have fun, but above all, do it within the framework of a trademark offer. When the formula was a success the best way is to extend the offer: that is the main aim of this consolidated campaign launched by Mondelez international jointly with CamOnApp, Promored, Publicis, Ninch and Spark Foundry.